Creek on a sunny day

Communicating About Your Grant

The Community Foundation of  Frederick County is thrilled to partner with you to support your work in improving our community. This page offers you resources to leverage the news you have received a grant from The Community Foundation.

The Community Foundation would also like to share how our grant has helped your organization do more good in our community. Please let us know if you have pictures and/or videos from your programs or events we can use to share how your organization and our partnership enriches our community.

Guidelines for Acknowledging The Community Foundation of Frederick County

You may acknowledge support from The Community Foundation of Frederick County on materials related to your grant using the following language:

  • When you receive a grant directly from The Community Foundation or an anonymous donor fund: “Support provided by a grant from The Community Foundation of Frederick County.”
  • When you receive a grant from a component fund at The Community Foundation: “Support provided by a grant from [insert name of fund or donor], a component fund of The Community Foundation of Frederick County.”


Please feel free to download the logos (link below) to post on your website, social media, or other marketing materials related to your grant. We ask that you please not change these in any way including but not limited to: color adjustment, cropping, or skewing.

Evening streetscape with twinkling lights in trees

Press Release Information and Sample

Press Release Information:

If you are interested in submitting a press release to The Frederick News Post you may utilize this link. Complete their form and attached your press release file, you can utilize our sample document, linked below, and fill in your organizations information.

If you require further assistance please contact our marketing team.

Boiler Plate Language:

For more than three decades, The Community Foundation of Frederick County has helped translate simple good intentions into powerful acts of philanthropy that build a stronger, more vibrant community not only for today but for the future.

The Community Foundation is dedicated to connecting people who care with causes that matter to enrich the quality of life in Frederick County now and for future generations.

Sample Press Release

Social Media

The Community Foundation features many grant recipients on our social media accounts. If you post about your grant and/or any grant funded programs or events, please tag us on these channels. We will like and/or share most grant-related posts.

Looking for more support? Contact our marketing team!


We have some amazing news! [Your nonprofit’s name and/or program name] has received a grant from @CommunityFoundationFredCo to [explain what your grant will be used for]. Read more: [Insert link to your press release for more info]


We are thrilled to share that [your nonprofit’s name and/or program name] just received a grant from @the-community-foundation-of-frederick-county! With support from this grant we can (insert information about what the grant will be helping support). Learn more here: [Insert link to your press release for more info]


We are proud to share that [your organization’s name and/or program name] was awarded a grant from @commfndfredco!

Mature African American Couple signs documents in hands of a younger man

Share Your Impact

The Community Foundation loves featuring stories from our grantees in our newsletter, website, social media channels, and annual report. We’d love to share with our broader community the work that funding from our donors and community impact funds has supported. We encourage you to share examples of your impact and photos of your work in action with us.

If you would like to be considered for a feature, please email us for more information. In your email to us, include statistics or stories that share how funding from The Community Foundation has allowed your organization to go beyond or sustain the work you would do without that funding.